Fat Loss School | Lose Weight + Improve Hormones & Metabolism with Healthy Food, Intermittent Fasting, Carb Cycling, Macros & Mindset

Welcome to the Fat Loss School podcast! If you’ve been struggling with extra pounds, menopausal belly fat, feeling overwhelmed by too many diet options, are on the borderline with health issues, and are frustrated by past weight loss failures - especially if you’ve hit the fabulous fifty mark - then grab a seat because this podcast is your ultimate fat loss classroom. I am Amy Bryan, 30 year educator and certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss® online nutrition and fitness coach. I’ll be your teacher and guide to show you that losing fat and gaining energy - plus maintaining it long term - is truly possible even at our age. I know because I’ve been there. In my 30s & 40s, I did all the diets, tried all the gimmicks, over-exercised, lost and gained the same pounds over & over. At 50, I had accomplished so much except in this one very important area and was through wasting time and energy on temporary fixes! This podcast will teach lifestyle changes that shed the fat in a healthy way that you can sustain long term and change your health trajectory so you age with energy, independence, and confidence. Think of these few minutes together as a study hall with cheat sheets for fat loss and include topics like intermittent fasting, carb cycling, mindset reframing, and more. Grab your notebook, because class is officially in session, and it’s time to rewrite your wellness story! Connect with me at https://linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway

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5 days ago

Could your Christian faith be a powerful strategy for your weight loss journey? In today’s podcast episode, my guest, personal trainer and FASTer Way coach Etta Gibson, shares how she merges her faith, nutrition, and fitness as her Christian calling. We’ll discuss how spiritual principles can guide you towards a healthier lifestyle, help you overcome challenges, and inspire lasting transformation. Whether you're seeking to honor your body as a temple, find strength in prayer, or discover a community of like-minded women, this episode is for you. Listen as Etta - instead of schooling us - takes us to church!
You can follow Etta Gibson on Instagram @fitetta and her email is fitetta@gmail.com.
Here's the free week of devotionals promised:  https://amybryanfasterway.myflodesk.com/y4i6l7bn1x 
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Do you love your carbs and can't stick with a keto-like eating plan? Carb cycling is the solution to this common problem! Today's lesson shares the what, why, and how of this fat burning strategy - one of many strategies to learn in my 6-week FASTer Way to Fat Loss® classes. Grab a pencil because carb cycling class is in session! 
Grab my CARB HACKS FOR FAT LOSS guide here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vu7OJFecd47v8xnOqG9ZjJYYx6teBOZl/view?usp=sharing 
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jul 08, 2024

Have you ever considered that your difficulty in losing weight could be chronic inflammation? It can be a silent condition wreaking havoc on your body and attributed to everything from anxiety to diabetes to heart disease. In this episode, Louise Digby, nutritional therapist, shares wellness information especially for us fabulous-over-50 women so we can both avoid disease AND successfully lose fat. 
Contact Louise Digby on Instagram @louisedigbynutrition, at her website www.louisedigbynutrition.com, or at her The Thriving Metabolism podcast.
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jul 01, 2024

How are we to stick to our weight loss goals and healthy weight management with vacations, holidays, and long weekends away this summer? In today’s episode of FAT LOSS SCHOOL, the lessons are all about what NOT to do after a vacation, long holiday, or even a binge - plus some tips on what non-negotiables to maintain while you are away. You don't want to miss this shorty episode!
Here's a free download also... my Healthy Travel Guide. It has a packing list, travel workouts, healthy fast food orders, and much more! Grab your copy here: https://amybryanfasterway.myflodesk.com/kovfoe1u44
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jun 24, 2024

You've seen her before, the friend who successfully loses significant weight but then falls back into old patterns and thinking - only to regain every bit of the weight back. If the thoughts aren't changed that got her there, then she can expect to be right back in the same place. Our mindset has everything to do with consistency. Today’s episode will teach 7 mindset shifts to help you be consistent with your healthy nutrition and fitness goals.
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Do you suspect that the quantity and frequency of your alcoholic drinks are impeding your weight loss journey? Today my guest is Stacy Miller, a friend and coach who became sober over 11 years ago. She not only lost weight but changed her mindset around alcohol and became an advocate for reducing and eliminating alcohol as a part of every woman’s health journey. 
Get ready to take notes because you  are going to want to use Stacy’s strategies to help you reduce - both your alcohol and your weight.
Contact Stacy Miller on Instagram @stacy.t.miller and email at stmillerfwtfl@gmail.com.
Grab Stacy’s ALCOHOL FREE FUN guide here:  https://alcoholfreeresource.myflodesk.com/it8w6pzj6z
Explore the Hugh and Grace line of products here:  https://stacymiller.hughandgrace.com/
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jun 10, 2024

There are so many options out there when you are looking to lose weight. Keto, Mediterranean, Noom, Optavia, gastric band, Ozempic, Weight Watchers, and so many more…and more are surely coming our way to grab our false hope, our money, and can make it harder to lose weight with the next try. Unfortunately, most of these so-called solutions result in only temporary losses. As a very educated and fit woman at nearly 58 years old, I want to educate you so you don’t fall for the promises of fast weight loss anymore. True FAT LOSS and body composition change are different from simple weight loss. True FAT LOSS that is sustainable long term, simply does not happen fast. Today’s podcast will look at some common problems with popular diet plans - from their own warnings and cautions - and will reveal a common thread among them all…Ready for it? Welcome to popular diet pitfalls 101 class!
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Do you have a sweet tooth but are also working on weight loss? Do you ever worry about your sweet tooth causing you Type 2 diabetes later. Or maybe you are afraid to eat starchy carbs because of the blood sugar spike.  Today I am sharing 4 hacks that we can do to minimize those blood sugar spikes. Now that’s sweet!
Glucose Revolution book: https://amzn.to/4aEFc8z
Follow Jessie Inchauspe @glucosegoddess
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday May 27, 2024

The components of your meals matter for fat loss success but if macro tracking and reaching your macro targets feels overwhelming, you won't do it. If that's you, I invite you to tune in to today's Fat Loss School podcast where the lesson will be 5 hacks that make macro tracking a breeze. Your waistline and your peaceful brain will thank you!
Macro Cheat Sheet #1 (1-pager): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wCicU1evgf2hEwecojKqF2J__NoX8w7a/edit
Macro Cheat Sheet #2:https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/guides/free-macro-cheat-sheet#AMYBRYAN
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net

Monday May 20, 2024

If you are tired of wasting time googling workouts or diet fads without a strategic and effective plan to follow and want to see how our secret sauce can help you reach your weight loss goals, listen to today's episode where Senior Director of Programming for FASTer Way to Fat Loss® Haven Hennessey spills the tea on how our workouts and nutrition are paired and planned for continuous progress.  
Follow Haven on Instagram @havenhenn and become a FASTer Way client to workout with us. 
CONNECT with Amy Bryan any of the following ways: 
ENROLL in my next FASTer Way 6-week online class at https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/AMYBRYAN
JOIN my free info group, SCHEDULE a discovery call, VOICE MESSAGE me, and DOWNLOAD freebies at www.linktr.ee/amybryanfasterway.
FOLLOW me on Instagram @amybryanfasterway
EMAIL me at amy@fatlossschool.net


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